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December 20, 2009

Soundtrack of my trip

Here's what I was listening to on my trip, in case you're interested.

Capercaille - Secret People  (wonderful Celtic music, which I will go on about further in another post, maybe tomorrow)

Dr. Who Soundtrack - Series 3

Enigma - A Posteriori

Mars Lasar - Yosemite Valley of the Giants

Vangelis - Cosmos

Yes, that's a lot of New Age stuff too.  It's very relaxing and makes good dozing music when you're just sitting on the bus doing nothing.  And Capercaille gave me a couple of songs I could sing along to under my breath (certainly I'm not going to inflict it on anybody else around me!)

All excellent stuff that I highly recommend.

On the plane, it was podcasts from:

Games Radar (video game talk)
Game Informer (more video game talk)
The Roadhouse (Blues)
Stuff You Missed in History Class (don't laugh!!!!!)

I've got others loaded, but those got me through both flights.


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