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January 23, 2010

Ellie Light: Obama Astroturfer? Or Very, Very, Very Energetic But Independent Letter Writer? With Houses All Over the Nation?

Wow, I wish I could afford this many houses! Go to the link, because it's very interesting. Evidently, this letter writer, who's a big fan of Obama, currently lives in 18 states, District of Columbia, and Bangkok, Thailand! Ok, maybe she doesn't live in the last one, but she's concerned enough to send her letter there.

Ellie Light: Obama Astroturfer? Or Very, Very, Very Energetic But Independent Letter Writer? With Houses All Over the Nation?

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Also, a hat-tip to Hot Air for pointing me toward this. C'mon, Obama fans. There are enough of you that one person doesn't have to do all of the work, you know.

Update: now it's up to 62 publications in 29 states and District of Columbia. Also a couple of national publications and 2 foreign ones. This lady gets around! With an IP address that's routed through Saudi Arabia (so either she's from there, which is *really* strange, or she's a grandmother who is techie enough to know how to use and IP Spoofer? That's talent!

And incidentally, who is Mark Spivey? Same situation.


  1. gee - did the presidency *just* get difficult in the last year? clowns.
    - the wife


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