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October 9, 2010

500 posts and counting!

Milestones are funny things, aren't they? What is our obsession with numbers and counts? I don't know, but I do know that they mean something, and it's always some round number that, in the grand scheme of things, is pretty meaningless. You never see anybody excessively celebrate their 37th birthday! Or their 267th blog post. Or having been at a company for 13 years.

But whatever the number, it means something to us regardless.

It's been a year of milestones for me, and for this blog, and it means a lot to me that so many of you are still with me. And when I say "so many of you", I realize that there aren't *that* many of you, but still enough to make a guy feel good. And hey, why don't you leave a comment and let me know that you're enjoying things? Or send me an email.

But I digress (and I seem to be digressing a *lot* these days).

Where was I? Oh yeah, milestones!

I've hit the big 4-0 this year. My blog had its one-year anniversary back in July. I was going to mention my 200 posts acknowledgement, but I then realize that this took place in November 2009, so it didn't happen this year.

I won't even think about the fact that I hit post #200 in November last year, and it took me almost a year to do 300 more. Yes, I am slowing down a bit.

But I am keeping this alive, which is something I wouldn't have done in the past. It helps to have a weekly regular post like my one-hit wonders posts, to keep me regular. They do seem to be pretty popular, too.

Yes, I have the same commenters on them for the most part, but I do get a lot of hits on them as well. Nothing makes my day more than seeing somebody find a post and go through all of them. Sometimes it's really quick (going through 20 of them in about 5 minutes) and sometimes they seem to be enjoying them, as they take half an hour. Sometimes they come back later in the day to finish, too!

When I started this blog, I didn't think there was any way I would get to 500 posts. I didn't think I would make it to a year! More like a couple of months. But I'm glad I did.

I thanked all of my blogging buddies in my 1-year anniversary post, but I want to thank them again. They've offered support, good information, humour, and just the general camaraderie that makes this a joy to do.

I also want to thank those readers who have stuck with me (many of you are also blogging buddies! But I digress again). I love it when I discover somebody's been reading my work for a while, as it's always a boost to me.

So, you know, if you could time those revelations to about once a week, that would be great. Thanks.

I'm looking forward to post #1000! Of course, at this pace, that will be a couple years away, but I guarantee I'm going to get there.

Thank you, everybody.


  1. I'm curious what sites you use to track your readers?

  2. I use Statcounter. You can click on the link on the right side of the page (down near the bottom) to take you to the site.

    Unless you pay, you only track the last 500 visitors, but it's more than enough for my needs.

    Also unless you pay, you have to have the little box/link on your site. That's why it's buried at the bottom.

  3. way cool

    I signed up for an account just now.

  4. Excellent!!!

    Now you'll have a really good idea of who's coming and how often.

  5. The you already knew I was really behind reading your blog before my little catch up last night. >_> <_< >_>


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